Benefits of Belonging
You’re in the right place to learn about all our great works. See all the ways we come together as a community with experience, resources and a love for working wood into beautiful objects.
Membership Benefits you can Enjoy

Woodturning Demos
Each meeting we have a demonstrator that demos to the club a woodturning technique the club is interested learning about. Demonstrators include members and professionals. Occasionally we also host a professional teacher or turner yielding even richer learning opportunities.

Art & Craft Shows
Members enjoy the opportunity to sell their works of art at club sponsored shows.

Video Library
Members can rent videos each month for $2

Show & Tell
See members work and listen to the members explain the complexities in turning this work of art. You also can show off your own work to the club and get valuable feed back and advice.

Monthly Newsletter
Find out what's going on with the club and the woodturning community in New England.

Wood Raffles and Auctions
A lot of wood from local trees is donated to the club by members. Bucked chucks of wood are raffled off for $1 each at our meetings. Usually this is green wood but sometimes we have tools, supplies or dried woods as well. We also get highly figured and burl wood in which you can bid for in a silent auction.

Woodturning Supplies
The club sells common woodturning supplies like CA and sandpaper at 30% retail costs.

Special Discounts
Receive 10% discounts on hand tools and supplies at retail stores like Woodcraft and Rockler when you become a member.
Three CNEW Membership Options
CNEW has three membership models. Our most popular is a regular membership for an individual. We have several families with memberships is our club. The family membership is priced low to encourage woodturning as a family hobby and activity. Finally, we offer a low cost option for students or young turners under 25 years old.
Fees are collected annually for the current year. Perspective members are welcome to attend two club meetings as guests to help evaluate if they would like to join for the remainder of the year. From time to time, we host a nationally recognized turner and have a door charge to help defray the costs for the professional demonstrator.
- Regular Membership $40.00
- Family Membership $45.00
- Student Membership $20.00 (under 25 years old)