CNEW Events

Date / Time | Event / Location | Description | |
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm |
Feb meeting resceduled date Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Rescheduled Feb meeting. | |
Past CNEW Events
Date / Time | Event / Location | Description | |
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm |
Feb meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Greg will decide at 2pm on Thurs whether we have a meeting. I will update then. | |
5:15 pm |
Feb meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
The meeting is cancelled. I can not figure out how to update the original post. | |
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm |
January Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Learn and turn starts at 5:30. The regular meeting starts at 6:30. Beth and Reid will demonstrate Pen Turning. | |
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm |
November Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Learn and turn starts 5:30. The regular meeting starts 6:30. Gregory Lafond will demonstrate Drilling and Reaming for a Chair Leg. | |
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm |
October meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
5:30 Learn and Turn 6:30 meeting starts | |
09/06/2024 - 09/08/2024
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm |
Sterling Fair The Sterling Fair |
CNEW will be there demonstrating on our minilathes. | |
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm |
September Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Learn and turn starts 5:30. The regular meeting starts 6:30. Greg Carell will demo Multi-Axis Turning. We will be voting on pieces for the Arnold... | ![]() |
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm |
August Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Learn and turn starts 5:30. The regular meeting starts 6:30. In place of Demo - Panel Discussion/Seminar on how to sell your turned items, led... | |
All Day |
July Meeting Steve Ball\’s house. Address will be added later 291 Mower Street Worcester MA |
Instead of the July meeting there will be a club BBQ at Steve Ball's house. Time and details on food will be added later. | |
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm |
June meeting 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Ave Berlin Massachusetts |
Learn and turn starts 5:30. The regular meeting starts 6:30. Demo this month is the Mark Holden Flame Sanding and Color | ![]() |
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm |
May meeting 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Ave Berlin Massachusetts |
Learn and Turn 5:30. Show and Tell 6:30. President's Challenge is to bring a turning where you worked with another, non-wood turning artist. The co-creator... | |
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm |
April meeting 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Ave Berlin Massachusetts |
Learn and turn starts 5:30. The regular meeting starts 6:30. Demo this month is the McNaughten coring system | |
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm |
March meeting 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Ave Berlin 12 Woodward Ave Berlin MA |
Learn and Turn starts at 5:30pm The technique is using a parting tool and caliper to get the precise profile you want on a spindle... | |
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
February monthly meeting 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Ave Berlin Massachusetts |
Learn and turn starts at 5:30. Learn new techniques or practice others with AJ. Meeting starts at 6:30. This month will be a discussion on... | |
5:00 pm - 9:30 pm |
January meeting 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Ave Berlin Massachusetts |
Learn and Turn 5:30 Regular meeting to follow at 6:30 | |
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
December CNEW Monthly Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
CNEW 2023 Holiday Extravaganza and Pot Luck. | |
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
November CNEW Monthly Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
During our November meeting, Michael Peters will be providing our demonstration. | |
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
October CNEW Monthly Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
During the October meeting, Ralph Viscomi will be demonstrating his basket weave embellishment technique. | |
9:00 am - 4:00 pm |
Remote wood turning demonstration St. Joseph’s Church 52 West St. (rt 62) Berlin Mass |
We will be setting up to do a remote demonstration on Sunday September 17th to help St. Joseph's Church celebrate their 70th anniversary. This event... | |
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
September CNEW Monthly Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
During the September meeting we will be voting on the pieces that will be displayed at the arboretum show. | |
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
August CNEW Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
August CNEW Monthly Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
During the August meeting, Ralph Viscomi will be sharing several embellishment techniques that he uses in his woodturning. | |
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
July CNEW Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
9:00 am - 3:30 pm |
36th Annual Hudson Fest 2023 Cellucci Park, Hudson, MA 29 South Street Hudson MA |
Located on South Street, in the heart of Hudson’s Historic District, the Hudson Community Fest is an old-fashioned street fair that includes entertainment, a food... | ![]() |
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
June CNEW Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
May CNEW Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
TBD | |
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
April CNEW Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
TBD | |
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm |
March meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Learn N Turn will be a garden dribble. Making a comfortable 'handle', taper, parting tool and wire burning, Roughing gouge, calipers and parting tool, spindle... | |
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm |
Monthly meeting 1840 Town Hall Berlin 12 Woodward Ave Berlin MA |
Learn and Turn at 5:30. Meeting starts at 6:30 | |
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm |
Club Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Our regular Club meeting. Learn and Turn starts at 5:30. Regular meeting starts at 6. We'll have a short business meeting, followed by a demo... | ![]() |
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm |
CNEW Holiday Gathering, Potluck, Many small lathes, Photo Studio Berlin 1870 Town Function Hall 12 Woodward Ave Berlin MA |
On December 1, we'll have our annual holiday gathering. We'll have several small lathes going for you to ask questions, try techniques, or learn something... | |
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm |
Nov meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA Berlin MA |
Maybe learn and turn. Otherwise starts 6pm | |
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm |
Aug meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
5:30 pm |
July Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm |
Western Avenue Open Studios - up to 350 artist studios, including Eric White's wood studio in #113 Western Avenue Studios 122 Western Avenue Lowell MA |
June Open Art Studios June 4 @ 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm FREE Warmer days are here, breathing new life into everything. A new piece of artwork... | |
5:30 pm |
June Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
5:30 pm |
May Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
This month's demo will be presented by Roland Lavoie. He will be sharing tips and techniques for turning live edge bowls. | |
All Day |
On behalf of the Mass South Shore Woodturners I am inviting all members of the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Woodturning Communities to take advantage of... | |
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm |
April Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Learn and Turn starts at 5:30 followed by the regular meeting. Starting at 4pm Peter will be setting up the new video equipment if anyone... | |
03/26/2022 - 03/27/2022
12:00 am |
Totally Turning 2022 Saratoga Springs City Center 522 Broadway Entrance Saratoga Springs NY |
Registration is open for Totally Turning! Our event is happening! This year’s presenters are: Nick Cook | Rebecca DeGroot | Ashley Harwood Lyle Jamieson... | ![]() |
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm |
March 3, 2022 1840 Town Hall Berlin 12 Woodward Ave Berlin MA |
I am not sure if there is an earlier Learn and Trun since it was not mentioned in the newsletter. If so it starts at... | |
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
FEBRUARY MEETING ON ZOOM Click Here for Zoom Link |
Our meeting will be remote again for February. Steve Mittleman and Roger Wiegand have created a video of a Segmented Coffee Mug that we will... | ![]() |
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm |
CANCELLED: January CNEW meeting |
Out of an abundance of caution, I would like to inform CNEW members that the January in person meeting will not be held 1/6/22. ... | |
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm (31/70) |
CNEW Annual Holiday Extravaganza and Pot Luck Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Please Sign-up Come and join us for our Annual Holiday Extravaganza and Pot Luck. This is our annual tradition of having a great time, enjoying... | |
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm |
Demonstration for the Meeting November 4th, 2021 Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Our demonstration for the November 4th meeting will be presented by Roland Lavoie. Roland has the perfect demonstration planned for the November meeting. Just in... | ![]() |
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm |
Test |
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm |
Demonstration for the meeting October 7th,2021 Brad Killam\’s shop 40 Barton Rd. Stow Mass. |
Our meeting on October 7th will be featuring a remote demonstration by Michael Kehs. NOTE: Meeting spot changed to Brad Killam's shop. See address above.... | |
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm |
Zoom Link for October 7th IRD with Michael Kehs--Inside Out Turning Meeting ID: 884 1118 3758 Passcode: 117364 |
Inside -Out turning This demo will stretch your imagination, in that I will show how to make four pieces of wood into a bat, flower,... | |
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm |
(2nd Attempt) Zoom Link for October 7th IRD with Michael Kehs–Inside Out Turning Meeting ID: 884 1118 3758 Passcode: 117364 | Meeting ID: 884 1118 3758 Passcode: 117364 Inside -Out turning This demo will stretch your imagination, in that I will show how to make... | |
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm |
Demonstration for the Meeting September 2nd, 2021 Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
The demonstration for our meeting September 2 will be by Michael Peters. Michael will be showing us his process for creating very thin walls by... | |
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm |
Demonstration for August 5th meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Rick Angus will be our demonstrator for the August 5th meeting. Rick is a great demonstrator/ teacher of woodturning and whatever the subject matter is,... | |
5:30 pm |
Learn N Turn 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Ave Berlin Massachusetts |
Making refrigerator magnets will be the topic for the Aug. 5th meeting. Bruce Mellor will be leading. | |
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm |
Demonstration for the meeting July 1st,2021 Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
The demonstration for our July 1st meeting will be presented by Steve Ball. Steve will be showing us "Dying and Stabilizing wood using Cactus Juice... | ![]() |
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm |
Demonstration for the June 3rd meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
The demonstration for the Meeting June 3rd will be presented by Reid Gilmore. Reid will show us how he makes a Ball and Icicle ornament... | ![]() |
12:00 am |
Demonstration for May meeting |
The demonstration for the May meeting will be Michael Peters turning a log into an emerging beer bottle. This is a fun project that you... | |
04/02/2021 - 06/03/2021
12:00 am - 6:00 pm |
President's Challenge 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Ave Berlin Massachusetts |
In anticipation of our first in-person meeting I am setting a President's challenge for the club. I would like all who attend to bring a... | ![]() |
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
April meeting Click Here for Zoom Link |
The entertainment for the meeting April 1st will be our show and tell. So I am asking everyone to have a piece or 3 for... | ![]() |
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm |
South Shore Woodturners demonstration |
CNEW members have been invited to join South Shore Woodturners for a program on March 24th @6:30 pm. Pro Marine Supplies will be talking about... | ![]() |
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm |
Demonstration for March meeting Click Here for Zoom Link |
The demonstration for the March meeting will be presented by Lloyd Johnson from Woodturners Pro. Lloyd will be showing us a segmenting software package that... | ![]() |
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm |
Demonstration for February meeting Click Here for Zoom Link |
The demonstration for February will be on the making of a drop spindle by Michael Peters. If you do not know what a drop spindle... | |
12:00 am |
Invitation from Cape Cod Woodturners |
On behalf of Cape Cod Woodturners, I would like to invite your club members and guests to participate in an interactive remote demonstration by Rudy... | |
5:00 am - 9:00 pm |
Virtual Craft Fair |
Also from Jim Brennan: You may also be interested in this. For those of us with nothing else to do, it may be beneficial.... | |
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm |
Ocean Wood Turners invitation |
Rick Bugbee of Ocean Wood Turners has invited us to join them in a Zoom meeting on January 21st featuring a demo by Trent Bosch... | |
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm |
Invitation from Waxhaw (NC) Woodturners |
From Jim Brennan: SOUTHERN PIEDMONT WOODTURNERS Invite you to enjoy an evening with Peg Schmid “Turning Boxes with Polymer Clay embellishments” Turning Boxes with... | |
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm |
January demonstration |
The demonstration for the January meeting will be the making of a Callabash shaped bowl by Roland Lavoie. Hope you can all join in for... | |
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm (55/150) |
Demonstration for December meeting (click to sign-up) Click here for the Special Zoom link. |
The December demo will be a remote demo presented by Cindy Drozda. Cindy is known throughout the wood turning world for her delicate finials and beautiful... | ![]() |
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm |
CNEW Meeting and Wine Glass Stem Demo Click Here for Zoom Link |
Reid Gilmore will be demonstrating making a wooden stem on a wine glass. Here is an example of a wine glass with a turned wooden... | ![]() |
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm |
Ocean Woodturners August 2020 Zoom Meeting |
Ocean Woodturners Invites You to their Monthly Zoom meeting. Host: Roland Lavoie Demonstrator: Rick Angus Topic: Turning a Small Dry-Wood-Bowl in Two Steps: Outside, including... | |
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm |
CNEW Monthly Meeting |
Virtual Club Meeting Planned for June 4th at 7:00pm During this period of “social distancing” we will use Zoom meeting on Thursday, June 4th. ... | |
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm |
CNEW Monthly Meeting |
Virtual Club Meeting Planned for May 7th at 7:00pm During this period of “social distancing” we are planning our second CNEW Zoom meeting on... | |
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm |
CNEW Monthly Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Main Demonstration to be announced. | |
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm |
CNEW Monthly Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
The March demonstration will be presented by Joe McGill. Joe will be giving a talk/demo on ways to get your body and mind ready for... | |
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm |
CNEW Monthly Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Roland Lavoie will be our demonstrator for the February meeting. Roland will be showing us how he creates the beautiful ornaments that he had at... | |
01/10/2020 - 01/12/2020
All Day |
The Woodworking Show Eastern States Exposition 1305 Memorial Avenue West Springfield MA |
The time is now for our annual Community would turning demonstration event: thewoodworkingshow CNEW has participated in this event for many years. The Woodworking Show... | |
5:30 am - 9:00 pm |
CNEW Monthly Meeting Berlin 1870 Town Hall 12 Woodward Avenue Berlin MA |
Thursday night’s demonstration will be presented by Mike Smith, Internal VP. It will be geared towards newer turners. He will be offering some tips on... | |