About CNEW

---Finding Friends to Help You Find the Magic in Turning Wood

CNEW the Club

The Central New England Woodturners club is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of woodturning. We are a 100+ member strong local chapter of the American Association of Woodturners. In fact we were the first woodturning club in New England. Founded in 1987, we’re proud to say that we are quite well established and organized.

We welcome you whether you’re experienced in turning or just starting out. We usually meet the first Thursday of each month. Guests and Visitors warmly welcomed regardless of experience, age, race or creed. Our club has everyone from beginners to very, very experienced and knowledgeable turners.

You’ll gain exposure to every aspect of woodturning including bowls, plates, vases, spindles, pens, segmented, stave, green wood, carving, texturing, and much more. Anyone who has an interest in woodturning can join CNEW. Please come to our next meeting as a guest and find out for yourself what we are all about.

More club benefits include: monthly newsletters , demonstrations, wood raffles, woodturning supplies, retail store discounts, access to knowledgeable turners, and much more. Some of the recent past demos have included pepper grinders, green-wood turning, deep hollow vessels, Ellsworth gouge use, spirals, segmented turning, carving, surface decorating and Dyeing and much more.

So… If you’re interested in taking your turning to the next level, consider joining our club where you’ll learn from the best. Come and show your turnings and share experiences with our membership.

Our Mission

The Central New England Woodturners is an association of amateurs and professionals bound by a common interest in woodturning.

Through regular meetings, lectures, demonstrations, video library, club events, newsletters and our website; we strive to bring together the diverse interests of the woodturner community.

Our key goal is to offer an organization for our members which provides educational information, entertainment and social interaction with other turners.

Our MISSION is to provide information, organization, and education to individuals who are interested in the art of turning wood.
Our members are always willing to share their experiences whether good or bad, and help other turners with their own turnings. This, all so critical sharing of information, ideas, experiences and techniques amongst our members is what we believe to be one of the biggest benefits membership any organization could offer.

We accomplish this through holding business meetings, demonstrations, show & tell, shop visits, newsletter articles, socializing & picnics, website info and more.

The History of the CNEW

The history of Central New England Woodturners goes back to the roots of the American Association of Woodturners. From the AAW website:

By the early 1980s woodturning was taking a uniquely contemporary shape, but there was yet no national coherence to the widespread activity. In 1985, the Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, in Gatlinburg, Tenn., was one of the few places in the country where it was possible to teach or study woodturning. Director Sandra Blain, along with woodturner David Ellsworth, a regular instructor at Arrowmont, recognized the need to highlight the state of current work in a national show. They engaged turner/sculptor Mark Lindquist and Renwick Gallery Director Michael Monroe to help jury what became the 1985 exhibition, Woodturning: Vision and Concept.

The show’s opening coincided with a three-day symposium, drawing more than 200 woodturners, at which the concept of a national organization of woodturners was put forth. “With all the meeting and greeting of old friends and new,” writes David Ellsworth in the premier issue of American Woodturner, “it soon became clear that what had brought us to Tennessee was more than just a lust for tools and techniques. It was a thirst for the process of learning. Several hundred turned objects were on view in both formal and informal [Instant Gallery] display–as if the energies of the past decade were brought before us in a moment. If there was a single thought on everyone’s mind, it must have been, ‘where do we go from here.’

At this symposium, Dick Gerard, who would later serve as the AAW’s treasurer, submitted a survey calling for the formation of an association. The first brainstorming session took place after hours, among a group of the symposium participants. The next day an invitation to serve the organization went out to the rest of the participants. A vote was taken, an ad hoc board of directors was formed, and the work began on framing a charter. By April of 1986 the American Association of Woodturners was formally named and incorporated as a non-profit organization.”

Toby Winkler, a woodturner from Grafton, MA and his wife Carolyn Kinloch-Winkler attended the 1985 Arrowmont conference. Toby became a charter member of the AAW and Carolyn won a contest to create the AAW logo. In late 1986 and early 1987, Toby made calls to woodturning friends and new AAW members in the area about forming a local Chapter. These early organizers included Bill Frost, Bill Lucas, Paul Fennel and Tom Sherwood. The organizing meeting for CNEW was held in the spring of 1987, with Toby Winkler elected president, Bill Lucas as vice-president and Paul Fennel as Secretary, and Tom Sherwood as Treasurer. By 1988 the Chapter had grown to about thirty members and was very active with demonstrations, a collection of turned items that traveled among the members, guest speakers and full day turning events.

That growth continued, and on April 18, 1989 the Chapter filed Articles of Organization as a Massachusetts Nonprofit Corporation signed by the same four officers.

Today, in 2021, we continue to strive as a successful club with approaching 100 members in our ranks.

CNEW Officers for 2024

Mark Durrenberger

The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Chapter. Duties include: 1) Supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the Chapter. 2) Conduct Chapter meetings. 3) Guide educational program with the aid of the Vice President, Internal. 4) Encourage interaction with the public and other woodturning groups in the area with the aid of the Vice President, External. 5) Act as the principal contact person with the AAW.

Michael Peters
Internal Vice President

The Vice President, Internal shall be responsible with the President for coordinating the demonstrations and other programs of the monthly Chapter meetings and any special meetings. In the absence of the President or in the event of his/her death, inability, or refusal to act, the Vice President, Internal shall perform the duties of President.

Richard Angus
External Vice President

The Vice President, External shall be responsible with the President for arranging demonstrations provided by external turners as well as coordinating the Chapter’s participation and/or sponsorship of all community events. These events may include but are not limited to crafts fairs, public demonstrations and art exhibits.

Carolyn MacDonald

The Treasurer shall collect all membership fees and all other monies belonging to the Chapter and disburse monies as needed to pay for the expenses and activities of the Chapter. The Treasurer will be responsible for keeping current and accurate records of monies that flow through the Chapter and for ensuring that all Chapter Officers are current paid-up members of the national organization. The Treasurer shall maintain the official membership list for the Chapter. The Treasurer shall file the Annual Report of the Corporation before November 1 of each year with the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Treasurer shall also file all required Massachusetts sales tax reports and payments and any other required governmental documents.

Ralph Viscomi

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Chapter’s meetings and provide a copy to the Newsletter Editor for publication. The Secretary shall see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws. In general, the Secretary shall perform all the duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President.

Ross Farrugia
Membership Director

The Membership director is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Chapter's membership. This includes recruiting new members, meeting new members who attend meetings, creating and distributing membership cards, supporting and updating the Chapter ID badges, and ensuring that dues are paid in a timely fashion by the members. In addition, the Membership director will either informally or formally assess overall member satisfaction and will report and make recommendations to the President. The membership director will also attempt to keep abreast of member’s health or other family issues and alert the members when support would be appreciated. The Membership director will also assist the Internal and External Vice Presidents in understanding the woodturning education interests of the members, including suggesting for individual or group mentoring programs.

AJ Moses
Richard Hunt Memorial
Learn 'N Turn Coordinator

The Learn and Turn Director shall oversee the monthly learn and turn. This includes arranging the setup of the lathes and break down of the lathes at the conclusion and arranging volunteers to do the learn and turn.

Rick Angus
Big Name Demo Coordinator

The Learn and Turn Director shall oversee the monthly learn and turn. This includes arranging the setup of the lathes and break down of the lathes at the conclusion and arranging volunteers to do the learn and turn.

Phil Grove

The Webmaster is responsible for the club's two main electronic communication vehicles; the website and the email distribution system. The Webmaster will maintain a collaborative website to allow members to keep it up-to-date with the club's key information such as: Chapter contact information, meeting schedules, special events, classifieds and any information useful to the membership. The Webmaster will also oversee the email distribution system so that club members can communicate with each other. This system may also be used for timely club information, such as meeting changes and cancellations.

Steve Ball
Club Store Manager

The Club Store Manager will procure woodturning consumable supplies (such as sandpaper and CA glue) at volume discount prices, maintain inventory, manage the price list and offer the consumables to club members at cost. He will maintain a cashbox and account to the Club Treasurer as requested or needed. He will conduct store operations during club meetings and by appointment at his/her convenience.

Bruce Mellor
Newsletter Editor

The Newsletter editor shall be responsible for publishing a monthly Chapter Newsletter which summaries important information from the previous meeting and describes future Chapter meetings and events. He/she is responsible for seeing that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws

Paul Silun

The Photographer is responsible for capturing images during club meetings and events along with post processing and making them available to all through the website and as needed through sharing technology. The equipment and associated tools are provided by the photographer as needed and available.

Robert Peppler

The Videographer is responsible for taking videos and projecting them during club meetings to make it easier to see the fine details of the demo to the large room. They are responsible for the acquisition, management, inventory, storage, and maintenance of the equipment. The equipment may be club equipment.

Gregory Carell
Video Librarian

The Video Librarian shall be responsible for ordering and maintaining the Chapter's library of videos. A list of the contents of the library and a record of borrowing and return of materials shall be kept and the library made available at the regularly scheduled meetings. Library materials will be made available to paid-up members in good standing for a fee and/or deposit set by the Executive Committee.

Steve Reznek
Club Project Coordinator

The Club Project Coordinator sets up and coordinates CNEW projects.